
Suddenly Seymour!

life out of harlingen is decent. i have a job. i have a friend that i live with.
i have a car, which is low on gas, but thanks to andrew, i'm fine.
i do have alot of time to think and alot of time to feel.
certain things were happening at the very end of 2006
that led me to believe 2007 was going to happen very well.
i dont have much to complain about if anything at all.
it's almost feb. and all i've been doing is playing shows and working.
i'm not going to lie to anyone, i do enjoy performing with tentacle's a flower alot more thant the ones you call good looking. i really do.
maybe because it's alot more personal, and the music is alot more emotional.
and live, tentacle's feels alot more intense than good looking to me.
someone i've called a brother for a long time told me we're dying.
and that hurt. it hurts alot. i've felt that we werent as close. he stated that i've changed and hasnt. i have not changed. i am just trying to get my life back to the way it was before all this stupid shit that happened, happened.

the [to count for the miraculous] days were still the best days of my life.
and i am not letting that go. our friendship is dying due to me trying to get my own life back in my own hands, grow up, and be happy? and by growing up, i dont mean not doing the stupid shit i used to do. i'm still that kid i was in middle school and high school. i just know when to act mature now. i know when to be silly and when to be serious.
i still love you the same. oscar, jaime adrian. still the same. you all know i've been bad with showing and expressing how i feel outside of music. so why give me shit about it now? i'm not done trying, i just need time to myself to get shit back to the way it was.
and with love. good things come to those who wait. how long is waiting? "patience is a virute." something i've heard many time. i am patient. i dont complain about being single. i would like someone, and it goes beyond just having someone there. connections are important. appreciating is important. i'm going on and on about this, and all of you will tell me the same things that i've heard before, so please, save your breath on this portion of this "blog."
say something about this if you have something that you havent said before, and that i havent heard before.
work is fine. it's alright. i just sit there, answer calls, try to get people tickets. sometimes i'm successful, sometimes i'm not. it's alright. cant complain. easy job, easy enviroment.
one thing that i'm excited about is the fact that me and andrew are about to get a new place. a 2 bedroom. 1 1/2 bath, but that's fine. haha. it's really nice. and comfortable. alot of unnecessary space though, but we'll do something about that.
over-all, life is decent. just need a companion, and everything will be lovely.

i dont know. whatever, you know?
appearance isnt at all an issue. i dont have the right to be picky about that.
someone who is definitely amazing. i want to be amazing. i want to have a reason to write a love song, and be about someone i actually have. not someone i dont have.
until then,
i'll just write a love song with no one to dedicate to.



this is my weakest attempt to get back at you.
i'm writing down everything that i would love to do,
but i just dont have the guts to do it.
call me weak or call me sweet.

"when the night sky is as blue as the day,
i'll come back to you. i promise."